Anchorage Alaska REALTORs

Providing Anchorage Alaska home buyers information, ideas and answers to assist them in making solid real estate decisions. Marketing for Anchorage Alaska home owners includes a 3D Interactive and Dollhouse view of their home.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Anchorage Alaska Home Utilities

Turning on the utilities to your Anchorage Alaska home is a very important step.  With the extreme weather we face, it can mean the difference between a warm cozy home or freezing pipe and seeing your breath if the furnace isn't working.  One of the steps provided by your Anchorage Alaska RE/MAX Associates is to let the first time buyer know who and when to set up utilities.  Most utilities companies, most of the time do not shut anything off, but it is always better to be safe than sorry in the cold.  The home buying process is very task oriented and we are glad to help you find the resources and information needed to make for an easy transition.
Chugach Electric Association                                 563-7366                  
5601 Minnesota Drive, Anchorage, Alaska
Municipal Light and Power                                     263-5340
1200 East 1st Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska
Matanuska Electric, Anchorage, Alaska                746-7697

Anchorage Water and Wastewater Utility             564-2700
3000 Arctic Blvd., Anchorage, Alaska

Enstar Natural Gas                                                 334-7600
30000 Spenard Road, Anchorage, Alaska

Municipality of Anchorage                                     343-6250
1111 East 56th Ave, Anchorage, Alaska
Alaska Waste, Inc.                                                 563-3717
6301 Rosewood, Anchorage, Alaska

ACS    Anchorage, Alaska                                         561-1221
GCI    Anchorage, Alaska                                         265-5600

GCI    Anchorage, Alaska                                         786-9200
Dish Network   Anchorage, Alaska                           349-7536

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